TR / EN / FR


25% Increase Limit for Residential Rents Extended Until July 2024

The extension of the time frame for the application of 25% increase limit for residential rents was published in the Official Gazette dated 15.07.2023 and numbered 32249. With the said extension, the amendment made in the Turkish Code of Obligations is summarized below:

Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 344 of the Turkish Code of Obligations (“Law”), which is to be found in the section of the Law governing the general principles regarding residential and roofed workplace rents and which regulates rules for determining rental prices: “The agreements of the parties regarding the rental price to be applied in the renewed rental periods are valid, provided that they do not exceed the change rate of the twelve-month average for the consumer price index (“CPI”) in the previous rental year. This rule also applies to lease agreements with a term longer than one year.

With the "Provisional Article 2" added to the Law, the upper limit for residential rent increases between 2.07.2023 and 1.07.2024 (included) has been limited to twenty-five percent.

This provisional measure is applicable:

a. If and when the CPI rate is above twenty-five percent,

b. For rental periods renewed between 2.07.2023 and 1.07.2024 (included),

c. For residential rents only,

d. Including lease agreements with a term longer than one year.

Until 01.07.2024, residential rent increases, which are over twenty-five percent will be invalid in terms of the excess amount.

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