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This Cookie Policy is applicable to all users (“Users”) accessing the Unkan & Üstündağ Attorneys at Law (“Unkan & Üstündağ”) web site via (“Web Site”). This Cookie Policy is intended by Unkan & Üstündağ as a means to inform in detail Users about the scope of cookie usage and purpose thereof while protecting Users’ confidential information and personal data. By clicking on the cookie warning on the Web Site and by continuing to use the Web Site thereafter you will be deemed to have agreed to the use of Cookies.

Cookies are small data storage and identification files that are sent to your electronic devices and that remember the access of your device to the Web Site when you access an online service from your server. Cookies can send back these files again to the source Web Site or to another site that recognizes the cookies. These files store information about your browsing experience of the Web Site to allow you to enjoy the Web Site’s basic features, to allow your data to be remembered when you use the Web Site again and to allow you to use the Web Site in an easier and more effective way.

The cookies are mainly used on our Web Site to offer you a user-friendly experience based on Users’ previous visits to our Web Site, to improve our Web Site and ensure proper functioning thereof, to enable Unkan & Üstündağ to improve their services, to make the Web Site more user friendly and to improve the use of the Web Site based on User’s preferences and areas of interest.

Cookies gather information with respect to your user preferences and your browsing experience such as, the Internet Protocol (IP) address, the name of internet service provider you used to Access the Web Site from the electronic device you used to Access the Web Site, the time and date of your Access to the Web Site, the pages accessed while on the Web Site as well as the internet address that directed access to the Web Site. These data may be transferred to our local business partners for the purposes stated herein.

There are different types of cookies based on purpose of use and length of use. We use analytics cookies, session cookies, permanent cookies, mandatory cookies, functional cookies, business related cookies, and third-party cookies. Mandatory cookies and analytics/performance cookies may not be disabled; however, if you do not wish other types of cookies to be stored in your computer, you may change the cookie preferences in your browsers’ settings. Cookie preference settings may differ from browser to browser, and you can find detailed information regarding cookies under the help menus of browsers. However, should you wish to disable cookie usage, please be informed that this may negatively affect your user experience regarding our Web Site.

Unkan & Üstündağ may update, amend or cancel the terms of this Cookie Policy at any time. Any such update, amendment or cancellation shall become effective on the date of its publication. The use by the User of Unkan & Üstündağ website and related services following such update, amendment or cancellation, shall be deemed as an approval thereto.

Cookies are kept in computers and other electronic devices for the maximum legally allowed amount of time to serve their intended purpose and deleted/anonymized thereafter.

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The content in our website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a legal opinion or legal advice. The use by website visitors of the content and information contained in our website does not create an attorney-client relationship. Click here for more information. We use cookies for you to benefit from our website in the most efficient way. If you prefer to disable the cookies, you may delete or block the cookies from your browser's settings. For detailed information on the use of cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.